Annual Partnership Campaign: As a church we depend on the generous support and partnership of our church family. Aside from a few paid staff, all of our programs, activities and facilities are operated through volunteer serving and giving.
This October we will be presenting to the congregation our mission, vision and ministry plan for the coming year, as well as the ways you can be involved. We are not looking for money alone, we are looking for partners who will commit to praying, serving and giving!
You can read our proposed 2020 Ministry Investment Plan here. Members will also be receiving Commitment Cards, which we will be pledging together on “Partnership Sunday”, October 27. Please join us as we consider the next steps we hope to take as a church, and the next steps you can take as partners with us.
“We pray that your partnership with us in the faith may be effective in deepening your understanding of every good thing we share for the sake of Christ.” (Philemon 1:6)