As a church family we are encouraged to care for and support one another. At Maranatha we have Pastor Norm Sennema serving as our pastoral care leader. Please feel free to contact Pastor Norm if you would like to pray or talk together.
We also have a team of Pastoral Care Workers who are glad to connect with you. Please contact our church office.
Pastoral Prayer
Our Pastoral Care Workers are trained to gather with those who have a special prayer for healing, and would like pastoral prayer. Based on the words of James 5:13-16, a team of Prayer Partners will meet with you and lead you in a time of mutual praise, confession, thanksgiving and supplication. The symbol of anointing oil will be used as a reminder of the Spirit’s power to heal.
CAP Counseling
Maranatha Church participates in the Congregational Assistance Plan through Shalem Mental Health Network. This opportunity is available to members of Maranatha, providing them with free counselling sessions from local, professional Christian therapists. I
Ministry Meals
If you or someone you know is in need of meals because you or they are experience a family or health concern or crisis, we have a team of volunteers ready to assist with meals. Please contact any of our Pastoral Leaders, or the Church Office, to make your request.
Contact the Church Office for more information.